2 long years since I have last been to China. In some ways, my vision has changed for China, but in many ways, the passions remain. My career is totally irrelevant to China these days... well... maybe not totally irrelevant. I am in contact with several international students from China now due to my job. I'm sure my passion for China and my passion for college students will somehow fit together someday. But for now, I shouldn't let myself get distracted from the present. (but really, i'm easily distracted...)
This is the first time I am going to China not doing Dad's business for a long time. Our priorities (in order) are:
1. food
2. drink
3. shop
But I can't help but think there are other reasons I will be in my motherland that just haven't presented themselves to me. I really want to have a break from Dad's business... it is now my job- but at the same time- who really gets a break? Dad surely doesn't go on vacation at all. We'll have to see how this all pans out.
But 2 long years...
I do miss the smell. I miss the language. I miss looking like everyone around me. I miss realizing I'm a dumb american. I miss the joys of finding a food stand that I like that I keep returning to. I miss...
I miss the people too. That's actually what I miss the most. But it's not the same because I won't see the same people again. One day I hope to return to LSV. One day I'll be able to see the kids again, except grown up. One day...
You know, I'm visiting all the metropolitan sites of China... but there really is nothing like the country side and hanging out with real people, not just tourism showcases.
Anyhow... I'm not sure what to expect... actually, truthfully I am scared to expect anything. One thing I know I can expect is cold weather. and that's it. However, I really want to enjoy this vacation. man. vacation is so complicated in my head sometimes. I just need to relax, but i'm scared my heart won't let me. i come back from china with a broken heart each time. This country breaks my heart.
Well, the plan will be:
18th-21st: Beijing
21st-26th: Qingdao
26th-30th: Shanghai
31st: Magically reappear back in the states with a new haircut, wardrobe, presents, a few pounds gained from eating, a few pounds lost from food poisoning and a well-practiced ability to speak mandarin