Tuesday, August 02, 2005


just some quotes in my head lately.

"It seemed the more we traveled, the more the land seemed to change... or was it us?"
"Each moment seems to be split in two- One part is regret for leaving every mile that is behind us, but the other is excitement for what is ahead"
-Motorcycle Diaries

"We of little faith... You of stubborn grace"
-The Normals

Team 2 should be here any minute. I fell asleep with the guitar in my lap. I'm trying to write a song, but nothing's coming out. There's an emotion that wants to be translated into a song, but i don't have the language or musical ability to translate it correctly... it results in several of my journal pages scribbled on and then crossed out.

anyways, i really miss playing Lucy. I miss my guitar. The ply-wood guitar we are using just doesn't cut it. it's almost soul-less to me sometimes. I miss you lucy.

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